"Perfect!" I said, "because you just sold me a Carmel Macchiato, so why don't you make me a PSL?"
"Sorry ma'am, I can't." he says trying to look disappointed.
"Oh, that's right" I figured, "someone will know if it's opened."
He smirks.
"It's already opened isn't it?!" I exclaimed. "No one has to know."
By this time I have not only gained the attention of his fellow barista, but the few people sitting in the store are actually watching now.
"Sorry Ma'am, I can't." As he turns to walk away, finished hearing my pleas.
Over dramatized, maybe. But a PSL is fall in a cup, and I'm so ready for fall that I will take it any way I can get it, even if it's in a hot cup, in a hot car, when it's 110 outside.
Like I said, weak moment. I'm thankful no one is perfect.
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