Sunday, August 28, 2011


Someone once told me that grief comes in waves, when it hits, you just have to hang on and ride it out (appropriate analogy considering this weekend’s storms). It’s true. Since my dad graduated (as a friend calls it) to his eternal home I miss him and think of him daily which brings me to tears now and then. Today, a wave hit me out of no where, as they often do. Who knew cleaning out your closet would do that?! I found one of my journals that I wrote in during my family’s vacation to Lake Powell last summer. It was our last trip with dad. It was his favorite place on earth. Thank you God for knowing what sweet memories would bless us before the difficult road that awaited us this past year! You guide us and bless us and most times we don’t even realize your hand at work.

At the end of my last journal entry of the trip I found this verse that brought me to tears today:

Psalm 73:23, Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is non upon the earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; but my God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

I was reminded of God’s faithfulness and goodness to fulfill his promises. He never left our side through it all, and we will ALL be received into glory, in His perfect timing. Lately, I have thought how it just doesn’t make sense that He should take dad so soon. But He knows why and I trust His plan, even when it’s not what I want. Dad’s flesh and heart did fail, as the verse says, and God was faithful to give him strength. Oh the strength he had was supernatural. Everyone who watched dad go through what he did, up close or from afar, could see how something was different in this man. He was strong, he was joyful, and truly had a peace beyond understanding because he trusted God. He knew whatever the outcome, it was right and that He was there. And now, he is enjoying the presence of his Father, Friend, Savior, and Creator who is his portion forever. My heart rejoices in that. That He will fill us, sustain us, comfort us, guide us, love us, save us....forever. It is so.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What it could have been!!!

That's a starbucks cup Amy, big deal!! Right, but you don't know is what it could have been. In a very weak moment I acted inappropriately and the story is as follows. Upon getting my receipt for my carmel macchiato, I asked the gentleman behind the counter if Pumpkin Spice Lattes (PSLs) were out yet. He replied, "actually, I have the mix right here, but I can't sell them until after Sept 5."
"Perfect!" I said, "because you just sold me a Carmel Macchiato, so why don't you make me a PSL?"
"Sorry ma'am, I can't." he says trying to look disappointed.
"Oh, that's right" I figured, "someone will know if it's opened."
He smirks.
"It's already opened isn't it?!" I exclaimed. "No one has to know."
By this time I have not only gained the attention of his fellow barista, but the few people sitting in the store are actually watching now.
"Sorry Ma'am, I can't." As he turns to walk away, finished hearing my pleas.
Over dramatized, maybe. But a PSL is fall in a cup, and I'm so ready for fall that I will take it any way I can get it, even if it's in a hot cup, in a hot car, when it's 110 outside.
Like I said, weak moment. I'm thankful no one is perfect.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meltdowns have begun

"No, you can't play with the cord." Obviously he had other ideas as he protests on the floor, under a chair. At only 11 months it's amazing to watch him grow and develop his personality and his opinions, which he was demonstrating above. Love it! But that may change when he pulls his first "demonstration" in Target. We'll see!

So fun to watch him learn and figure things out. To me this picture says, "how can I get this crab to come off the page mom, I've pulled and pulled and he wont budge!" But really who knows what's going on in that amazing little brain...I often wish I knew!

Daddy and E cooking in the kitchen! I love being the sous chef every now and then :-) Thanks for a wonderful dinner!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Why the narrow gate?

Because it's the only way to truly experience abundant life. Not a life free from storms, but a life free and fully lived in complete trust in the One who created you. Life is hard. Haven't we all said or thought that at some point. Losing a loved one, health issues, financial stress, relationship stress....and the list can go on. Those who enter the wide gate try the "do it yourself" approach, and end up unsatisfied, empty and aching to fill the void that only He can.
He followed the Way that leads to life and is still living free!!

My prayer is that he will too

How blessed am I?! I mean look at him! Both of them. I was blessed with 30 years to spend with a wonderful father (and a stud of a surfer I might add) and 11mo and counting with my little bear cub! We are so thankful!!
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, not let it be fearful." John 14:27

What? No pictures?!

Ok, here's my sweet little guy, who, might I add, feel asleep sitting up in his crib today. Yep, fighting his nap to the very last second!

Who has time for this?

That was my initial thought....a couple years ago when all this blogging, facebook, twitter stuff began. And a part of me still believes that after I have spent the past hour trying to figure out how to even create one these things. So why am I doing it? Simple. When I have time, during little one's naps (and maybe even a few late nights) it's a great way to document the life of our family to those (family and friends) who we have not had the opportunity to "catch up" with us in a while. I have been inspired by occasionally readings some of my dear friends blogs who I (sad to say) felt up to speed with after checking out a few posts. So here ya go loved ones, when you're wondering what the Hobson's are up to, check us out!! And no! I'm still not on facebook. If you see I've joined that, then you know I've really lost it!