I love reading the Word. When I do, I find I am always challenged, refreshed, and at times comforted. After my Dad passed, (I hate thinking that, saying that, and writing that, so I will say “graduated” from here on out) I made it my goal to read through the entire bible. How can I say I’m a believer if I’ve never done that? If I’ve never read God’s entire word? He knew it so well. He had read through it several times and listened to it in the car several more times. His encouragement ALWAYS came from Truth. Always!! I miss that more than words can say.
I’ve started with the New Testament this time. Admittedly, the Old Testament takes perseverance and I don’t have any extra to spare right now.
So today I was reading in Acts about Paul and his ministry. His story amazes me. It proves that God’s plan WILL be accomplished and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Paul was persecuting new believers/followers of Christ after the resurrection and Jesus stopped him (literally, as he was traveling) and rocked his world. How can you see and hear Christ and not be changed? Paul then believed and took his story and the good news of Christ’s resurrection throughout much of Asia and some of Europe. As he was about to return to Jerusalem, a friend warned him not to go. He knew that Paul would be persecuted and imprisoned there, but Paul said, “I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” Going on further to say how he would not be persuaded those gathered said, “The will of the Lord be done.”
For some reason that line struck a cord today. The will of the Lord be done.
At first I was burdened, thinking, what if God calls me to do something difficult like Paul and countless others through the centuries who have suffered for their faith. I really thought about that for a while. Okay. The will of the Lord be done. This is not my home. The only reason I’m here is because God has placed me here for Him. For His purpose. It’s so freeing when I actually stop and think about that. Should more illness or death come... The will of the Lord be done. Should blessing abound even more.... The will of the Lord be done. Soak that in. We have nothing to fear, The will of the Lord be done!!
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