To begin, here are some fun new pics of E! Playing in laundry, resting (for 0.5 seconds) and playing some more. Love it!

E and Dad getting ready to go out on a rainy day! We were so thankful for the rain last week! Loved it, fall is finally here!
As for my amazing accident, they are pictured above!! In the middle of making some chocolate chip cookies, I realized I was short 1 egg. Run to the store? No, sleeping baby. Neighbor? Nope, not home. Google? Yes!! I found that I could substitute 2 Tbs water and 1/2 tsp of baking power for an egg. I then remembered Michael wanted oatmeal choc chip cookies and I experimented by adding a little less flour and some oats and they turned out amazing!! Crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside! I'm not a baker, so I must brag. To prove, I had to wipe the dust off my Kitchen Aid mixer (after dragging it out from the back of a bottom cabinet).
LOVE the mistake!! those cookies look yummy!!